Friday, December 26, 2008
Stomach Flu Orlando Florida
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Propellerhead Record Working Demo
When Jesus begins to walk the streets of Palestine creates a confusion that will not tell you.
The confrontation with the Pharisees (the separate those who do not want to mingle with those who do not respect the law: a kind of party composed of craftsmen and small traders, social class, the HAT appartenev Jesus) is immediate, because impose a religion riddled with obligations that are suffocating the poor. For more
. these gentlemen preach good and evil scratching: rob and oppress the widows (the weaker social group: there was a pension at the time of Jesus and a woman left alone had no means to defend themselves), and even abandon elderly parents with falsely pious excuse that they had offered their property to the temple.
is no less immediate confrontation with the scribes, the intellectuals of the time - usually recruited from among the Pharisees - who know the Bible well, but do not do it.
Equally strong is the clash with the priests: the descendants of the family of Levi, those who rule, although under the control the Roman procurator, because the power to exploit their advantage. Even the temple is an opportunity for them to work.
Jesus shames them publicly and blatantly driving out the merchants and money changers from the temple that, with the permission of concerned lorsignori (we took the lace! 9 busy temple.
And with the Sadducees: The components of the noble families and rich in Class sacedotale?
Jesus blurted in their faces that will enter the kingdom of God will come when a camel through the eye of a needle.
Even with the crowds, he is soft when he realizes that follows him to eat a free ride.
A. .. this little chap is a quiet man? a man of peace? Certainly not quiet. Of peace. Provided that peace is what he means.
what is this peace? The peace of Jesus is building the world as God has thought proper, beautiful, hospitable to all its children. His peace, justice, mutual respect, care for the weak and the poor, forgiveness, Amon among the creatures, and between them and the creator.
E 'peace that comes from the daily struggle against selfishness, not the sleep of indifference.
A peace that does not resemble that of lntanamente even those who do not want to fuss and trouble, and so it hangs himself of the affairs of others, does not see, hear, or speak, he was not there, because when he is fine, other just ...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Keratin Treatment On Nursing Mothers
Where is Jesus of Nazareth? No tell me in heaven because it means they did not understand anything about him or of Christianity.
So where is it? Christians should ask every day? maybe. They certainly know better than many professionals. Many anonymous Christians are better than many of this name frgiano every day.
I ask especially for pastors who sit on the new chair of Moses. I ask the priests in my town of Sorrento and the bishop Cece. Where is Jesus? you have relegto sterile rituals of the week, Sunday ritual in which the word does not burn more hearts. You've been relegated to the canonical luxury while poor people every day struggling to make ends meet. You have relegated to the dogmas and strange rituals related to traditions that no longer make sense. It 'was put in train to Lourdes and the sanctuaries miracolifici. But this is not the gospel! Jesus was among the people, they shared anxieties and pains. Joys and targets. Jesus was one that was not taken soon nothing inside but he said it loud and clear. He was one who knew how to choose a side: that of whether or powerful than that of the poor. But ye are on the side of silence that kills the weak, and fortifies the strong!
Today more than ever need for Christians to come out from silence and return to live the Word. A word which is Jesus We need people that Jesus, who behaves like him, which takes place as him, as he changes the story.
Start today on a column on this blog toward the face of Jesus, so everyone could smascharare false shepherds and false Christians that are blocking the change of consciences and communities.
Courage, the injustice of our time is running out ...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Black Horizontal Line Tuner
Appeals to sign on too many times and many times are annoying. Bsogna travel, information on what you signed, try to believe that it is a good thing. Sometimes we think that the things we are called to give support, in reality not affect us much.
Well, this is a subtle but strong tentazine.
I as a man, citizen, Christian, I decided to sign for the referendum against the shameful Lodo Alfano. Vergognosissima a law and discriminatory towards all citizens to be true and honest. A
bullshit law against men and women of good will.
invite all of you to find the place closest to your home to inform and sign. A side
trovereto a logo that will help to inform and to find the closest place to sign.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Gonorrhea And Fertiltiy
I am a Christian but not a bigot. I believe that Christian values, that is what Jesus did and said are important and they still have very to say to people today and tomorrow.
do not believe in church and musty nostalgia in the Church but who knows how to listen to the Word and incarnate it in daily life. So did the apostles and early Christians. Precisely because of this (historically proven, see perecuzioni) were sympathetic to the people and antipatci the strong and powerful. Today things are
invertite.I Christian popes, bishops, priests, lay people (in due eccezoini) are well taken by the strong and powerful and badly wanted by the people. I do not think God is appreciating.
I see it every day. I see priests in my town that go hand in hand with economic and political power and forget the poor and dell'intigente.
Why? I do not know. Certainly have lost the Word of God and the meaning of Jesus Christ.
's why I opened a Meetup. (Find the logo on the side) where we can exchange opinions and hold meetings close to those interested.
diffondeste I would be grateful if the initiative. If all Christians today to declare that tli than they were in fact ... there would be many problems. If you really think all Christians mttessero the poor in the center: there would be still? and if you really put in the center of peace, there would be all these wars? I think a lot less ...
people meditate, meditate. Thanks
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Bodybuilder Severe Canning
Many municipalities in the Campania region are scrambling to get out from the scourge of water privatization. A primary and basic needs in the hands of a few rich.
injustice that makes us indifferent retare too. In
campania are few municipalities that have not woken up. Among these Sorrento is not the problem arises.
The city administration led by Marco Fiorentino has once again failed. We care who knows what. Surely the private interests and a small part of the city.
Soo sure if we were now a little confrontation on this issue, the mayor and his puppet junta would not know even what it speaks. Sorrento
citizens who pay the bills they know it.
Unfortunately, the employee and his Fiorentino employees do not know. They do not know who should be accountable to their owners (citizens) and make their interest. One of these is to make public water. Make the municipality, that is all! Transparent, with a management that does not allow trading of votes for favors and promises at election time.
Again Sorrento image and shows only a little careful about the real issues and real policies. Even a wild time we show respect back to a human sensibility.
We allow the oil companies and the rich are impenditori arricchicano without doing anything.
All this with the complicity of the local press that the pursuit of more gossip than real needs. Moreover, as
blame him? Il Mattino and owned by Caltagirone that over Alitalia to join the consortium, is the largest azoinista ACEA of Rome, which controls the GORI, that is the company that manages the water that is nell'ATO3 in Sorrento.
Citizens, informiamoci and react.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Sore Tongue When Sick
" Residents in the Naples area have a rate of cancer and other diseases higher. Campaigners fighting have been threatened and witnesses killed.
Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Italy - Raffaele del Giudice was a crusader. Locked in a sport coat and a beat-up Fiat, he roamed for illegal dumps of southern Italy, covering his nose against the stench and exposing what he considers the ecological crime of secolo.Poi people began to be threatened. Ostracized. Killed. Del Giudice called off his crusade.
Because when you clash with the trash here in Campania, you fighting against a powerful mafia brutal known as Camorra. The Camorra, which is based in Naples, controls the import, transport and disposal of millions of tons of garbage, around a very lucrative business in which the group follows its own rules, ignores the laws on toxic waste and contaminates that a was once fertile farmland, country side, forests and rivers.
Apart from the unpleasantness of it all, evidence suggests now that the garbage is poisoning the food chain and may cause cancer, birth defects and other health problems. Judge calls the Chernoyl of Italy.
There are other symbols of rotten dramatic and persistent power of the mafia, and impotence - some say voluntary - government deal with it. It 's almost a cliche: Tony Soprano, after all, was responsible for "waste disposal". (Character of a television series, The Sopranos, on the Italian-American mafia, NDT)
For most of last year, the region was stifled under toreggianti festering mountains of garbage and not collected. Landfills, legal and illegal, were full to overflowing. Until cleanup crews have finally moved in July, seas of trash blocked roads and doorways and swallowed sidewalks and parks. The Camorra periodically paid Gypsy boys to set fire to portions of the waste, creating scenes of Dante, a land with fire, villages and towns filled with toxic fire.
The scourge of southern Italy has earned sanctions by the European Union and condemnation from international health organizations. He awakened violent protests this year and contributed to the downfall of the government of Prime Minister Romano Prodi in the spring.
This is not a new problem. For more than 15 years, the government has spent more than a billion and € 300 million and has named seven "trash czars," the problem has not disappeared. Not resolved because the mafiosi, and politicians who take in hand, they do not want it to be.
"For years the wastes were accomulati, it was not done anything to clean them, and the consequences are lethal." Said Donato Ceglie, the chief prosecutor that deals with the "eco-mafia" in this region. "They have poisoned the land. They have poisoned the water. It is getting worse. The trash is still arriving. "
The racket works like this. Hundreds of factories, industrial complexes and companies of all types in the affluent northern Italy and elsewhere in Europe contacted the Ombudsman to have their waste removed. To reduce costs, these brokers turn to about 20 disposal firms in Campania, almost all, prosecutors say, controlled by the mob.
The Camorra has enthusiastically made Italy's poor south the landfill in the world, or at least parts of the world. Trucks transporting waste to the south day and night, year-round, and deposit it in mostly illegal and unregulated landfills.
No amount of garbage is too horrible: metallurgical dross, sludge of tanneries, tires, discarded refrigerators and cookers, rotting animal carcasses, medical waste - a nauseating cesspool of crap.
The Camorra have gradually driven away farmers and gained control of more and more land, where to download the stuff. But Campania is filling up.
And so the Camorra has gone global.
Huge containers, coming from China full of toys and shoddy fake designer clothing, then download and fill with trash, prosecutors say. Speaking of Police two years ago, the customs officials have confiscated 9,000 tons of waste materials that had been smuggled on cargo ships, half destined for China.
Environmentalists are particularly concerned about the effects on food production and health. Toxic substances are filtered from the waste into groundwater, polluting the streams where the cows and sheep drink grass they eat. More poison is spewed into the air when burning garbage.
Campania is home to buffalo herds whose milk is used to produce the best mozzarella. Unacceptable levels of dioxin, a carcinogen, were found this year in some mozzarella, threatening the export one of the best Italian products, a turnover of 350 million euro.
Scientists continue to study the link between waste and health, but are already showing alarming trends, according to the World Health Organization, including a rate exceeding regional or national norms for cancers of the stomach, kidneys, liver and lungs and even birth defects. In some areas between Naples and the city of Caserta, residents have two to three times more likely to develop liver cancer than those in the rest of the country, according to the Italian National Research Council.
At one of the many protests against the garbage this year, many women approached reporters to complain of what they call a plague of cancers and tumors afflicting their families. Some showed pictures of sick children, a woman showed the scars of what she described as a surgical operation for thyroid cancer. The public is disgusted
eventually becoming as large as the garbage and, with the head of the court, citizens have decided to defeat the Camorra and groped to reclaim land and restore a normal family life.
have installed fences to claim ownership of the campaign and to block the findings of the Camorra. Farmers have organized markets to sell their products and thousands of residents considered important attend. Schools have anti-mafia organized performances in the classroom.
"Seeing this type of life and unity has bothered the Camorra," he recalled with satisfaction of the court, 40, an excitable environmentalist with glasses and a mop of graying hair that you are.
He continued to wander the countryside, focusing in the so-called triangle of death between Naples and Caserta, an area where he was born and Moldova his family once farmed the land. He documented the illegal dumping el'orripilante pollution, secretly photographing what he discovered. It 'was the star of a documentary that recounted his findings and has taken the testimony of beleaguered farmers and sickened residents.
It was creating the momentum, and Del Giudice and his fellow activists expected police and state officials to give him support in challenging the Camorra.
Instead, the Camorra apparently decided to take the initiative. Killer Mafia began to systematically eliminate several people who were cooperating with prosecutors in investigations against the Camorra. Four people were killed in a few weeks, including businessman Michele Orsi.
Orsi ran a waste disposal company and worked with the Camorra. But after years in the pay of the Mafia and had to take orders from them and their political masters, has decided to become a turncoat to the state. E 'was killed by a burst of 18 bullets shortly before testifying in court on alleged ties between the Camorra and politicians.
The intimidation of farmers and others who were working with Del Giudice was more subtle. Farmers came in their fields and trees were felled during the night, or machinery destroyed. Gunmen shot at barns and greenhouses.
Several farmers and residents appeared in the documentary with Del Giudice fled the region, abandoning their properties, others have seen their business shrink to zero.
They turned to the judge: you have promised us that we would be helped and we've been lied to. E Del Giudice received warnings passed through acquaintances: Stay away.
"It 's my land, I was born here, and now I am told that I can not go," he said, on the verge of tears in his cluttered office in Naples, where the regional head of the environmental group Legambiente. "It's not only fear is depression."
The Camorra has suffered a great scofitta. An appeals court in Naples has confirmed life sentences for four of the major boss of one of the most powerful groups of the Camorra, ending a ten-year investigation called Operation Spartacus.
But few here think that will do much to slow down the activities of the Camorra. There are already other gangsters ready to take the place of those who go to prison.
"The Camorra laughs behind me now, "said Del Giudice. "They won."
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Jet Ski Bill Of Sale Form
I find on the net this very good article that audience with pleasure.
It is located on the site of decrease happy , fetch visit and share. We renew our way of life. We learn and we understand that You can change lifestyles and recover more human.
Tap only for us to decide and choose.
Andrea Bertaglia
time, perhaps one of the most important resources in the world. Only those who have enough available could initiate a change in their lives. Only those who do not tighten the grip of consumerism and the labor frantic to meet expectations, can return to dedicate the time and energy necessary to surely the most valuable things such as children, family, friends, land, reading, studying ... love. Plenty of time can be confusing, even frightening. We are totally unaccustomed to having time, despite the alleged hyper-efficiency of all that surrounds us. Everyone should save us time, and everything in the end there since the ruba.Ci educate children not to have the time, nowadays, between school, homework, sports, and one thousand courses of various kinds. Moreover, we must constantly be engaged from the outset whether you want to be an adult tomorrow productive and efficient, totally unable to stop a moment to think, reflect, and ascoltare.Quante times have we heard or said,-I am sorry, but I do not have the time-? Or how many times we said? Time, this "commodity" increasingly scarce in our lives, is now exchanged for money to buy things that they usually need to be very little time that remains after godute.Il a working day is often spent watching television, we kindly propina a series of increasingly mediocre programs interspersed commercials more compelling and spectacular rise of the basic needs of our ever-renewed. The fact is that when these desires can not be satisfied (which is always more frequently in a state of decline and forced, for the moment, still unhappy), grows in people a feeling of frustration that leads, first of all not to enjoy what you have, and that leads us to do anything to get what We were literally programmed to volere.Ma after a hard day's work, I ask you now, who wants (and time) to get to talk, to participate in community life or even to think? Almost none, really. I know under what circumstances we find ourselves after several hours of traffic / work / traffic! But I also know, therefore, that the solution is to carve out time to work (as well as television and a myriad of activities more or less useless) rob us. And do not get me wrong here. My challenge is not to the work itself, a noble human activity, when we can make ourselves and our loved ones to live decently, when we do pay taxes necessary to ensure the basic services of our company where we can express our creativity and our potential. My criticism is aimed at two types of work including: the frantic work as an escape from self, and the frantic work as a means to satisfy needs that we have been led to have, and that most likely would never have heard of our own free will . What should we do then? With children to support, the mortgage more expensive to pay etc etc, as can get out of this spiral that keeps us prisoners? Well, first of all by reducing our needs. How? Realizing what is truly important (the children and the house rather than a new car every year or a phone every three months). And how can you account for what is truly important? Pause and reflect. But to afford this? It must have tempo.È a virtuous circle of their choices and their lives avviare.Difficilissimo what you need to put into practice, but possible. And perhaps indispensable.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Best Gay Hookup Spot In Los Angeles?
public and I get a letter from Father Alex Zanotelli. This little man of God that mission seems to have chosen the world's landfills. From Korochoco in Naples, through the suburbs of our Italy.
the water situation in Italy and scandalous. A public good that is privatized and no politician does anything. Now it's up to us. Invormatevi in \u200b\u200byour common and realize who and because they control the water. Let's do it.
Here's the letter P. Alex and ask her to distribute and publish quickly.
Cosenza, August 15, 2008 CALL
In the heart of this hot summer and this region of Calabria, working with young people in the cooperatives of the Bishop Brig (Locride) and the Ark of Noah (Cosenza), I come like a bolt from the blue, the news that the Berlusconi government provides water privatization. In fact, August 5, the Italian Parliament voted to Article 23a of Decree Law No. 112 of Minister G. Tremonti and the paragraph 1 states that the management of water services should be subject to the rules of the capitalist economy. All this with the support of the opposition, particularly the Democratic Party, in the person of its fee-shadow minister Lanzillotta. (A decision that angered me, but I am not surprised, given the response to the letter by Mr Veltroni on the water that I had sent him during the elections!)
So the Berlusconi government, with the consent of the opposition, declared that Italy is among the countries for which the 'Water is a commodity.
After these years of struggle against the privatization of water with many friends, with local committees and regional agreement with the Forum and the World '... water ... these stories are for me a punch in the stomach, it hurts. Questoè a betrayal by all the parties! Even more serious is the fact, noted by friends and R. Lembo R. Petrella, the "Decree amending nature State territoriali.I municipalities and communities, in particular, are no longer public land managers of the commons, but they become the subjects of property owners in a competitive logic of private interests, so that their first duty is to ensure that dividends of the company are the highest in the interest of municipal finances. "
We are also tearing apart our constitution!
concrete terms what does this mean? This is revealed by the tragic news we received from Aprilia (Latina) showing us what happens when the water ends up in private hands. Acqualatina (Veolia, the largest multinational water has 46.5% of shares.) that manages the water in April, decided in 2005 to increase bills by 300%! More than four families that year, they refuse to pay the bills to Acqualatina, paying instead for the Municipality. A long, hard struggle of resistance against the friends of Aprilia Acqualatina! Now in the middle of summer, Acqualatina sends its teams of armed vigilantes and policemen to remove the counters or reduce the water flow. All this with the approval of the City and the province of Latina! The goal? Forcing those who dispute to go to the counter of Acqualatina to pay.
It 's a heroic resistance and learn this in April: the people feel abandoned in itself. We can not leave them alone!
's summer also brings bad news from my Naples and the Campania region. The commissioner
the Budget of the City of Naples, Cardillo launches a proposal that will become operational in January 2009. L 'Arin, the municipal water of the City of Naples, will become a multi-service and a company that will include Napoligas Energy rinnovabili.Per to swallow the pill, Cardillo promised a Robintax "for the poor (lowest rates for the underprivileged classes). With the privatization of water will necessarily create a serious public A (the rich) and series B (the poor), as claimed by the economist M. Florio University of Milan.
these are bad news for the whole movement from Naples who in 2006 had forced 136 municipalities of ATO 2 to retrace their steps and to declare water as a common good. Instead of public water, the commissioner may prepare Cardillo is a nice treat for A2A (the multi-Brescia and Milan) or Veolia, should take over the management of waste from Campania? It would be a great triumph in Naples of economic-financial potentates.
To this we must add the serious news in Castellammare di Stabia (a town of a hundred thousand inhabitants in the province of Naples), 67 000 people have received, for the first time, the bills from Gori, (an APS of which 46% of actions is property of 'Acea, Rome). This in spite of the decisions of the City Council and the citizens who are fighting for years against Gori, which has now got their hands on the 76 municipalities Vesuvius (from Nola in Sorrento).
"You do not pay water bills!" Is the invitation of the local Committee to the families of Castellammare. It will also be here a long and difficult struggle, like that of Aprilia. I feel deeply hurt and betrayed by this news I am receiving a bit 'all over the world.
I wonder bitterly: "But where is the big push against water privatization that led to the collection of 400,000 signatures of support for the law of popular initiative water?
But what happens in our country? Why are we so still? Why is it so hard to make common cause with all the local struggles, confining our territories? Why not
Water Forum launches campaign on the Internet, to send thousands of solicitations to the Environment Committee of the House where he sleeps the law of popular initiative on water?
is not the time to appeal to the parliamentarians of all parties in Parliament to pass a framework law on water?
We must give us all a move to realize the dream with us and that is that water is a basic human right that must be managed by local communities with total public capital at the lowest possible cost to the user, without SPA.
"The water belongs to everyone and no one can be allowed to draw appropriate it for" illegal "profit-wrote the Archbishop Emeritus of Messina G. Marra.Pertanto asks that it is managed exclusively by the municipalities organized into a public company, which have always been the duty of ensuring the distribution for all at the lowest cost possible. "
When we hear such words from the Italian Episcopal Conference? When did take a position on an issue that means life or death for our classes, but especially for the weak impoverished in the world? (We will have millions of deaths from thirst!)
E 'as stated in the middle of this summer, July 16, Pope Benedict XVI: "With regard to water rights, it should be noted also that it is a right that has its basis in human dignity. From this perspective, we must carefully examine the attitudes of those who consider and treat water only as an economic good. "
When will our bishops will gain the necessary consequences for our country and involve all the parishes in a great movement in defense of water?
Water is life. "Water is sacred, not only because it is precious gift of the Creator, recently wrote the bishop of Caserta, Nogaro - but because every person is sacred, every man and woman on earth in the image of God who takes life by the water, energy and life. "
Waterfront We play everything!
Starting from the bottom, the fighting in defense of water at the local level, we share a great movement in that it requires the Parliament to proclaim that our water is not a commodity but a right for all.
Let's get to win because my life!
Alex Zanotelli
Monday, August 25, 2008
What Does Kangaroo Meat Cost
Indeed we delirium. Berlusconi invokes the psychodwarf Giovanni Falcone and inspired him to justice reform. I think that is a real insult to the memory. I believe that the institution or at least the parties of the "opposition" should mean a strong word. Instead? nothing. Or rather, yesterday began a dialogue (between soerdi) to host Frenz with Umberto Bossi. I recall that Bossi and his companions were singing (or sing) "burn the flag" .
As a citizen I feel really robbed, scofortato, dejected. It 's really a soft regime durssimo in form but in the heart and soul.
We are forced to suffer, with no landmarks, no one to protect us and give us guarantees. We are forced to suffer the laws made by Alfano and Berlusconi that creepy
We disarray. What to do? Defuse mechanisms, find other ways to deliver to certain patterns and certain attitudes that poison the soul and life. We say enough to those who steal evading taxes, acendo work illegally or imposed due. We say enough to the politics of friends of friends. We say every day just to favoritism and "so much fans all ...". We say enough, today, every day, all those forms slimy, strisicanti, thin that threaten our life and know that sappiao not contribute to improving our quality of life and coexistence. Each of us knows what and when.
Small steps for true freedom.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Funny Things To Write In B Day Cards
amministrazone The city of Sorrento is giving its best. It will be hot or will the lack of ideas in this strange summer of 'crisis' work (bho?!?) The Mayor and his junta under pressure from traders Sorrento gave birth to a full order of the authoritarian style!
street peddlers and those who sought elemosia from the streets. The street performers can be provided after 5 minutes of activity to move a hundred yards.
's so politically correct to Sorrento. The walking them gypsies, beggars, street artists bother. They ask too many cents, enter the houses, they steal, they stink and are always there to ask. They came work. The problem is that there is no work for them.
We here are not used to seeing them on the streets. We're not in Naples or Naples to Castellammare or Gomorrah. We're in Sorrento, a town of luxury, work and welfare.
E 'towards us we are not in Gomorra Saviano, Gomorrah we are a more subtle and equally dangerous and harmful.
One class dominates the political scene and public life. A single social class who decides for all, that is, only for them and their interests. The communal sitting rooms
more and more entrepreneurs, hoteliers, builders, friends of friends strong.
The city administration is strong with the weak (walking & Co.) but why does not the fort with strong?
Why does not protect the workers? because there are no controls on illegal construction? because they cut off and closed the office for social services? why they only moved to boost the image of Sorrento hotels and restaurants and do not move to recover funds for the nursing home with the services of home care assistant, helping those without jobs, the disabled, etc. ... ?
uncomfortable questions that should be made to the acrobat Marco Fiorentino as a dancer has gone from strength all'UDEUR Italy and the PDL.
uncomfortable questions to do with a city council fontoccia, slave and servant of the strong powers of Sorrento. One last
notazoine. I would have expected a
ores position of the local church In front of this ancient knowledge of the order of decades. Instead, nothing. The local church has gentrified. E 'became the Church of the living room, comfortable and not awkward. Too bad they forgot that their Lord was identified with the poor and made them a preferred choice. This is not the church of Christ, this church is a servant of an evil power. But of this we will talk later.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Baby Bang Head On Floor
In Sorrento there are two categories: The hotel owners and employees. The first are the masters, slaves seconds. The first
have full power over everything. They choose who to hire and when, how, and how they want. To work schedules, wages, tasks.
The latter have two options: say yes and take home some money, or refuse and keep begging for a decent job in the area or outside.
The former can also decide the political town, through the powerful new foundation Sorrento. The hoteliers and the powerful merchants are everywhere: in the town, parties, institutions. They can do everything. They are the new lords.
We workers are only crumbs.
In town there is only one entity to protect workers. There is a secie syndicate which is in cahoots with the powerful. Effectiveness and efficiency has to be zero! I do not believe that workers Sorrento feel protected by a trade union or a trade association.
This also says a lot on the current situazoine deilavoratori who prefer to sell themselves to the god of money, puttosto that preserve the dignity of private rights and moral.
I think that here it serves a real cultural revolution. Of a shock that this prison break.
What I want to ask is: Why is there a strong union in Sorrento? Would not it be fairer to have a voice to protect workers in the tourism sector? Is not it strange that there is only Federalberghi and not a strong union that is able to sit down with Wherein "gentlemen"?
suggestions are welcome!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Yellow Skin Red Blotches
And 'the recent controversy between the weekly Famiglia Cristiana and Berlusconi government. The weekly magazine of St. Paul did not say and send critical all-out proposals and actions of the executive. Fingerprints from Roma, emergency waste materials, the false security emergency (see cuts in police and riot police unions ALL!) Inability to cope with the real problems of the country.
That family seems to be the only Christian voice that is heard in the Catholic newspaper in the country. The only big item of course. The weekly is not deployed as Pauline says the pious Giovanardi (click on the name for the video). He may forget the heavy charges the same week to and from the PD Veltroni in the center of the campaign, the agreement was signed quadno radicali.La slating complete with a political project that sought to bring along a large proportion of Catholics. What was it that a heavy blow. Dear
Giovanardi, even then the wording was deployed and they were all cattocomunisti? Even the recent position taken by Vatican Radio and L'Osservatore Romano - who distance themselves from the recent editorial of the magazine - make us understand something very important: the right to criticism and different thinking in the church - as well as in society - is forbidden! Famiglia Cristiana has expressed criticism reasoned position papers with clear and consistent not only with the Church's social doctrine, but even more in the Gospel, which - like it or not to dear Giovanardi & Co - is worth much more than office chairs and human! What then is
well in the light of the COHERENCE Famiglia Cristiana, which I give my full support and solidarity.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Hot Wire A Fence For Dogs
There are moments in a person's life where you need to return to the simplicity and the origin of everything.
Cut too much too much deep thinking and weights of the brain and regaining fluency.
Fluency in thinking, living, acting. Maybe it's all the secret of life and live well.
This film is a masterpiece of what I've written and much more.
"We are a mission from God"
What mission? Everyone finds his fluency with the true.
Happy August 15!
Throwing A Hook Bowling Ball
It 'time to begin.
The situation of workers in Sorrento dvvero is critical.
One of them (a good part) you buy is made by the owner, from sueofferte and white and black money put into the pot!
We need a strong turning point and historical significance.
Set aside individual interests of small shop and make the leap quaità .
rights, such as those with a true and healthy private life, a true time of 6:40 to 8 hours and not paid for 6.40. The overtime ...
the opportunity to have their say and not just to suffer.
If the old and young hoteliers get together and form associations pericolossissime .. it is good that even the old and young workers do so.
tarting now!
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Vanity means emptiness, emptiness, meaninglessness. This is often the sense of our day. Injustice, poverty and growing wealth for the few who always increase. We are in no sense, we are the paradox daily. These paradoxes are do evil and holy indignation.
In Sorrento the municipal administration of the entrepreneurs and federalberghi slave has failed miserably.
From August 1 will close the office of social services. Questosignifica two things.
1) There is money and the will to reperirili only for parties and events for tourists. There you can do to build four parking lots that do not serve to build places (Piazza Veniero) felling trees in total disinterest. You can make four to advertise a false image of Sorrento in the world.
2) There can be done in four to meet the needs of the poor of our city. We can not do in four to find the funds to pay social workers, nurses, trained staff to assist and give dignity to the poor and the last of our city.
Mayor Marco Fiorentino, and all his junta has failed miserably! E 'in the clear for all to see that its policies are only servizoi potentates of Sorrento, which are available in hotels increased their expression. No deals
environment, real and serious differnziata (the Autari not even know what it is!). It is at the heart
dell'amministrazoine a real and serious education law.
not care about this administration's environmental protection.
not care about the protection of this amministrazoine workers and their rights.
We see the council move only when and where there are economic interests. This is very
think. It would be interesting to know who published and is part of the city council and who sits in the nerve center of the machine hall. If they are ordinary citizens or property owners or whatever and then have at heart only a few sectors.
not make sense otherwise the closure and low efficiency del'assessorato social policies.
These gentlemen have only one thing to do if they still have dignity resign and get out of boxes!
It 's time for someone to wake up, that will rise again, the citizens take back their heads and spaces. It is not fair spadroneggino few to many. It is not just the exploitation of man on the other man.
You can not stand idly behind the false respectability Sorrento!
associations to the streets, the Marchesa and Christians are felt if I really heard the Gospel and love Geu Christ!
It 's true, the wheat must grow with the weeds, but it is equally true that the wheat and the weeds remain so as well.
That is, be careful not to flatten the ch is rotten around.
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Thursday, July 31, 2008
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In Sorrento the municipal administration of the entrepreneurs and federalberghi slave has failed miserably.
From August 1 will close the office of social services. Questosignifica two things.
1) There is money and the will to reperirili only for parties and events for tourists. There you can do to build four parking lots that do not serve to build places (Piazza Veniero) felling trees in total disinterest. You can make four to advertise a false image of Sorrento in the world.
2) There can be done in four to meet the needs of the poor of our city. We can not do in four to find the funds to pay social workers, nurses, trained staff to assist and give dignity to the poor and the last of our city.
Mayor Marco Fiorentino, and all his junta has failed miserably! E 'in the clear for all to see that its policies are only servizoi potentates of Sorrento, which are available in hotels increased their expression. No deals
environment, real and serious differnziata (the Autari not even know what it is!). It is at the heart
dell'amministrazoine a real and serious education law.
not care about this administration's environmental protection.
not care about this amministrazoine the protection of workers and their rights.
We see the council move only when and where there are economic interests. This is very
think. It would be interesting to know who belongs and publish of the City Council and who sits in the nerve center of the machine hall. If they are ordinary citizens or property owners or whatever and then have at heart only a few sectors.
not make sense otherwise the closure and low efficiency del'assessorato social policies.
These gentlemen have only one thing to do if they still have dignity resign and get out of boxes!
It 's time for someone to wake up, that will rise again, the citizens take back their heads and spaces. It is unfair that a few spadroneggino on many. It is not just the exploitation of man on the other man.
You can not stand idly behind the false respectability Sorrento!
associations to the streets, Chesa and Christians are felt if I really heard the Gospel and love Geu Christ!
It 's true, the wheat must grow with the weeds, but it is equally true that the wheat from the chaff that remains.
That is, be careful not to flatten the mark that's out there.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
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times for the country Italy is really dark. But that does not mean we give up. The mafia, crime meanders where there are a lot of money. Corruption, tax evasion, enslavement to money.
They will not stop, neither do we!
There is some good in life. Worth living and fighting for it.
Friday, July 18, 2008
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"'AT THE RIDGE scum"
is with anger in the body that I am writing this letter from the low of Naples, the Health District in the heart of the summer on fire. Mine is a lacerating anger because today is the lie becomes the truth. My lament is so well expressed by a jew believer in Psalm 12
mouths full of lies, all
to hide what they plot in the heart. How
reptiles crawl, and the most vile
is at its peak the dregs. "
When, after Korogocho, I chose to live in Naples, I never thought that I would live the same struggles. I switched from the dump in Nairobi, alongside the Korogocho slums of Naples against the struggles of landfills and inceneritori.Sono convinced that Naples is just the tip of the iceberg of a problem that overwhelms us tutti.Infatti, whether in this world, more than six billion human beings lived like we live rich (11% of the world consumes 88% of the planet's resources!), we need four more planets as resources and other four as if to throw our garbage dumps. The poor of Korogocho, living on the landfill, they taught me to recycle everything, re-use everything, to fix everything, sell everything, but especially to live sober.
E 'was a big lesson to me helps today to review the situation of waste in Naples and Campania, the region reduced from twenty to sversatoio national waste tossici.Infatti Camorra members of Masonic lodges in cahoots with local politicians and blankets, had decided in 1989, the restaurant "La Taverna Villaricca "to dump toxic waste in Campania.Questo it became increasingly difficult to bury our waste in Somalia. Thousands of Tir came from every part of Italy and loads of toxic waste were buried by the mafia in the Triangle of Death (Acerra-Nola-Marigliano), in the Land of the fires (North Naples) and in the countryside of Caserta. These toxic waste "bomb" today, particularly infants with dioxins, nanoparticles that produce tumors, birth defects, leukemia ... ...
Biutiful Cauntri The documentary expresses well what I tell you.
should be added to the disaster of the policy now subject to economic powers-finanziari.Infatti this region has been managed since 1994 by 10 Special Commissioners for waste from the various national governments that have followed. (E ' increasingly clear, for me, the interweaving of political, economic-financial potentates, Camorra, Masonic lodges and secret services covered!). In 15 years, the special commissioners have spent over two billion euro, to produce over seven million tons of "eco-bales, which have nothing to echo: as it is waste, wrapped in plastic that can not be either incinerated (the bell is already an environmental disaster!) or bury it pollute aquifers. Much of this eco-bales, stacked outside the town of Giugliano, infest with their leachate those great campaign called "Tavern of the king.
And so we came to disaster! Today Campania has reached the same levels of cancer of the Northeast, but it has factories and lavoro.Noi without factories and unemployed, we are doomed to waste the same sorte.Il Ours is not an ecological disaster-tell with anger, but ecological crime, the result of political decisions that cover huge financial interests. This is demonstrated by the fact that Prodi, a government expired, has signed two ordinances: one that allowed the incinerator to burn the ecoballe Giugliano Acerra allowing the other to give the Cip 6 (the bill that we pay Enel for renewable energy) to the 3 incinerators in Campania that "turn the shit into gold-as-says Guido Viale The more shit, more gold!"
further anger when Berlusconi's government has signed the new decree n.90 waste in Campania. Berlusconi imposes on us, by military force, to build 10 landfill four incinerators. If the 4 incinerator operation, Campania should import waste from elsewhere to make them funzionare.Da only the Acerra incinerator would burn 800,000 tonnes per year! It 'clear then that we do not want to separate their waste, because if it was done seriously (70%), there would be no need of these incinerators.
Faced with all this, I have a right to be indignant. For me it is an ethical and moral. There must be a priest, as a missionary. If you fight against abortion and euthanasia, I must be in the fight to all this is a major threat to human health from Campania. The decree Berlusconi tears up the right to health of citizens Campani.
And for us to swallow this bitter pill, O 'system will send a thousand volunteers to help to make fools of the Neapolitans to separate into a thousand mountain to support the operation and three hundred psychologists oleare this! But What is Going on in this country!?! angers me deeply! And I proclaim my solidarity with these people killed! "Father Alex and his brothers" was written in a photograph that appeared in Time (inset of La Repubblica). Yes, I am proud to be in Naples at this time so bad with my brothers (and sisters) of Savignano Irpino, dispossessed of their land sown in November, with my brothers Chiaiano, forced to enter their homes with a pass because under military surveillance.
in Campania. There arrenderemo.Vi I ask you to share this anger, this rage against the economic and financial system that kills and kills not only the poor of the South, but also the poor in the heart of the empire. I find comfort in the words of the great resistance against Hitler, the Danish Lutheran pastor, Kaj Munk killed by the Nazis in 1944. "What then is the task of the preacher today? Should I answer: faith, hope and charity. It seems a better answer. But I would rather say: Courage. But no, even this is quite challenging to establish the whole truth ..... Our task today is recklessness .. because what we lack is certainly not as a Church nor psychology nor that letteratura.Quello we lack is a holy anger. "Lying
Before the bell that rage in this region, we can do is a holy rage. An anger that I see in my fellow citizens, but also in my church. ". The symbols of the Christian Church have always been the lion, the lamb, the dove and the fish always said Kaj Munk-but never the chameleon."
Do not forget us. It 'a matter of life or death for everyone. E 'with so much anger that you write it.
Alex Zanotelli
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008
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Saturday, July 12, 2008
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