Thursday, July 31, 2008

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In Sorrento there is hope there is no place for last

Vanity means emptiness, emptiness, meaninglessness. This is often the sense of our day. Injustice, poverty and growing wealth for the few who always increase. We are in no sense, we are the paradox daily. Those paradoxes that hurt and make holy indignation.
In Sorrento the municipal administration of the entrepreneurs and federalberghi slave has failed miserably.
From August 1 will close the office of social services. Questosignifica two things.

1) There is money and the will to reperirili only for parties and events for tourists. There you can do to build four parking lots that do not serve to build places (Piazza Veniero) felling trees in total disinterest. You can make four to advertise a false image of Sorrento in the world.

2) There can be done in four to meet the needs of the poor of our city. We can not do in four to find the funds to pay social workers, nurses, trained staff to assist and give dignity to the poor and the last of our city.

Mayor Marco Fiorentino, and all his junta has failed miserably! E 'in the clear for all to see that its policies are only servizoi potentates of Sorrento, which are available in hotels increased their expression. No deals
environment, real and serious differnziata (the Autari not even know what it is!). It is at the heart
dell'amministrazoine a real and serious education law.
not care about this administration's environmental protection.
not care about this amministrazoine the protection of workers and their rights.
We see the council move only when and where there are economic interests. This is very
think. It would be interesting to know who belongs and publish of the City Council and who sits in the nerve center of the machine hall. If they are ordinary citizens or property owners or whatever and then have at heart only a few sectors.
not make sense otherwise the closure and low efficiency del'assessorato social policies.
These gentlemen have only one thing to do if they still have dignity resign and get out of boxes!

It 's time for someone to wake up, that will rise again, the citizens take back their heads and spaces. It is unfair that a few spadroneggino on many. It is not just the exploitation of man on the other man.
You can not stand idly behind the false respectability Sorrento!
associations to the streets, Chesa and Christians are felt if I really heard the Gospel and love Geu Christ!
It 's true, the wheat must grow with the weeds, but it is equally true that the wheat from the chaff that remains.
That is, be careful not to flatten the mark that's out there.
Courage: The injustice of our time is running out ...!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

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We hide a lot ... but they will find you all!

times for the country Italy is really dark. But that does not mean we give up. The mafia, crime meanders where there are a lot of money. Corruption, tax evasion, enslavement to money.
They will not stop, neither do we!

There is some good in life. Worth living and fighting for it.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Are There Any Glory Holes In Dallas

Rubbish Naples

He made the announcement of the news and plurinquisito autoassolto unpunished Berlusconi on resolving the waste problem in Naples. Everything seems solved, but with the willingness of the media system of slaves and their greatest puppeteer in satisfaction of the parties (almost all) of the majority and opposition.
The situation in reality is very different and dramatic. Berlusconi's only make-up, front grip for a ride. The truth is otherwise and never imezzi officers ocmunicazione we will tell you.
Luckily there is a network and with it the real ruled out.
I receive a letter from Father Alez x Zanotelli, a man who is on the front and who knows Naples, its people and its true history.
publishing this letter below, with the request that it turn quickly.
Good information to all.
Naples, July 12, 2008 LETTER TO FRIENDS

"'AT THE RIDGE scum"

is with anger in the body that I am writing this letter from the low of Naples, the Health District in the heart of the summer on fire. Mine is a lacerating anger because today is the lie becomes the truth. My lament is so well expressed by a jew believer in Psalm 12
"Just lie to one another will say
mouths full of lies, all
to hide what they plot in the heart. How
reptiles crawl, and the most vile
is at its peak the dregs. "

When, after Korogocho, I chose to live in Naples, I never thought that I would live the same struggles. I switched from the dump in Nairobi, alongside the Korogocho slums of Naples against the struggles of landfills and inceneritori.Sono convinced that Naples is just the tip of the iceberg of a problem that overwhelms us tutti.Infatti, whether in this world, more than six billion human beings lived like we live rich (11% of the world consumes 88% of the planet's resources!), we need four more planets as resources and other four as if to throw our garbage dumps. The poor of Korogocho, living on the landfill, they taught me to recycle everything, re-use everything, to fix everything, sell everything, but especially to live sober.

E 'was a big lesson to me helps today to review the situation of waste in Naples and Campania, the region reduced from twenty to sversatoio national waste tossici.Infatti Camorra members of Masonic lodges in cahoots with local politicians and blankets, had decided in 1989, the restaurant "La Taverna Villaricca "to dump toxic waste in Campania.Questo it became increasingly difficult to bury our waste in Somalia. Thousands of Tir came from every part of Italy and loads of toxic waste were buried by the mafia in the Triangle of Death (Acerra-Nola-Marigliano), in the Land of the fires (North Naples) and in the countryside of Caserta. These toxic waste "bomb" today, particularly infants with dioxins, nanoparticles that produce tumors, birth defects, leukemia ... ...

Biutiful Cauntri The documentary expresses well what I tell you.

should be added to the disaster of the policy now subject to economic powers-finanziari.Infatti this region has been managed since 1994 by 10 Special Commissioners for waste from the various national governments that have followed. (E ' increasingly clear, for me, the interweaving of political, economic-financial potentates, Camorra, Masonic lodges and secret services covered!). In 15 years, the special commissioners have spent over two billion euro, to produce over seven million tons of "eco-bales, which have nothing to echo: as it is waste, wrapped in plastic that can not be either incinerated (the bell is already an environmental disaster!) or bury it pollute aquifers. Much of this eco-bales, stacked outside the town of Giugliano, infest with their leachate those great campaign called "Tavern of the king.

And so we came to disaster! Today Campania has reached the same levels of cancer of the Northeast, but it has factories and lavoro.Noi without factories and unemployed, we are doomed to waste the same sorte.Il Ours is not an ecological disaster-tell with anger, but ecological crime, the result of political decisions that cover huge financial interests. This is demonstrated by the fact that Prodi, a government expired, has signed two ordinances: one that allowed the incinerator to burn the ecoballe Giugliano Acerra allowing the other to give the Cip 6 (the bill that we pay Enel for renewable energy) to the 3 incinerators in Campania that "turn the shit into gold-as-says Guido Viale The more shit, more gold!"

further anger when Berlusconi's government has signed the new decree n.90 waste in Campania. Berlusconi imposes on us, by military force, to build 10 landfill four incinerators. If the 4 incinerator operation, Campania should import waste from elsewhere to make them funzionare.Da only the Acerra incinerator would burn 800,000 tonnes per year! It 'clear then that we do not want to separate their waste, because if it was done seriously (70%), there would be no need of these incinerators.
E 'for 14 years that there is no political will to do the collection. I'm not the Neapolitans who do not want, but the political obstacles that they have to obey the powerful economic and financial sponsors of the incinerators. And all this is imposed by military force prohibiting any dissent or resistance, otherwise prigione.Le the consequences of this decree for the region are devastating. "If all citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law (Article 3 of the Constitution), the Campani will be less equal, have less social status-so says a Appeal to the recent Parliamentary Campani What is called "toxic" elsewhere, even on the basis of Community legislation, in Campania is not; what else is considered "dangerous" here will not be.
rules and environmental protection and health control, there will be in place. The police and the judiciary with regard to prosecution of breaches of the legislation on waste, have fewer powers than in the rest of Italy and the new special courts for their immense expertise and innovation, will not be able to maintain, as happens elsewhere, the rights of Campania. "
Faced with all this, I have a right to be indignant. For me it is an ethical and moral. There must be a priest, as a missionary. If you fight against abortion and euthanasia, I must be in the fight to all this is a major threat to human health from Campania. The decree Berlusconi tears up the right to health of citizens Campani.
why I went with such outrage in the Acerra incinerator body, to challenge Berlusconi's press conference, organized in the heart of the monster, as he calls people. We were few, perhaps a hundred people. (The people of Acerra, after the beating of 29 August 2004 by the police, are terrified and afraid to take the field). We tried to say no to what was our accadendo.Abbiamo flyers distributed to the press: "Democracy has died in Mourning cittadino.La Acerra.Ne give the sad news the president Berlusconi and Undersecretary Bertolaso." At the press conference (no was allowed to participate!) Berlusconi has apologized to Fibe for all that he has "suffered" to build the incinerator in Acerra! (remember that the Fibe is on trial today!). One slap on the courts! Bertolaso \u200b\u200bannounced that it had signed the day before the ordinance because it would end with the Fibe work! Then she announced that she was chosen by private treaty, one of three or four Italian and foreign companies, to administer the Italian rifiuti.Quella will almost certainly the A2A (the multi-Brescia and Milan) and the foreign and Veolia, the largest multinational water and the second in the world to waste. Veolia will almost certainly be to eat up the treat, and so, after the waste water is also Papper Napoli.Che shame! E 'stravittoria of the economic-financial potentates, whose sole purpose is to make money in spite of all of us that we become new guinea pigs.
I am convinced that Campania has now become a prime example of what Naomi Klein in her book Shock Doctrine, called the economy of shock! There, where there is a major emergency economic-financial potentates allowed to do things they could not do under normal circumstances. If it works in Campania, it will be repeated elsewhere. (New Orleans after Katrina teaches!).
And for us to swallow this bitter pill, O 'system will send a thousand volunteers to help to make fools of the Neapolitans to separate into a thousand mountain to support the operation and three hundred psychologists oleare this! But What is Going on in this country!?! angers me deeply! And I proclaim my solidarity with these people killed! "Father Alex and his brothers" was written in a photograph that appeared in Time (inset of La Repubblica). Yes, I am proud to be in Naples at this time so bad with my brothers (and sisters) of Savignano Irpino, dispossessed of their land sown in November, with my brothers Chiaiano, forced to enter their homes with a pass because under military surveillance.
Therefore, with the committees as alarm toxic waste, with networks such as Lilliput and with so many groups continue to resist
in Campania. There arrenderemo.Vi I ask you to share this anger, this rage against the economic and financial system that kills and kills not only the poor of the South, but also the poor in the heart of the empire. I find comfort in the words of the great resistance against Hitler, the Danish Lutheran pastor, Kaj Munk killed by the Nazis in 1944. "What then is the task of the preacher today? Should I answer: faith, hope and charity. It seems a better answer. But I would rather say: Courage. But no, even this is quite challenging to establish the whole truth ..... Our task today is recklessness .. because what we lack is certainly not as a Church nor psychology nor that letteratura.Quello we lack is a holy anger. "Lying
Before the bell that rage in this region, we can do is a holy rage. An anger that I see in my fellow citizens, but also in my church. ". The symbols of the Christian Church have always been the lion, the lamb, the dove and the fish always said Kaj Munk-but never the chameleon."
I write this the return of the event held on the streets of Chiaiano against the military occupation of cava.Invece to wait for the technical assessment of the suitability of the quarry, Bertolaso \u200b\u200bhas sent the army to occupy it. The people of Chiaiano feels duped, betrayed and abandoned.
Do not forget us. It 'a matter of life or death for everyone. E 'with so much anger that you write it.

Alex Zanotelli

Ears Bleed When Removing Starter Earrings

The world, we all need mercy. Rhetoric seems, the usual rhetoric but in reality it is not. For many years, perhaps centuries have interpreted the wrong way in mercy. We have seen as doing good. We forgive everything and all without discrimination, without the facts to bear in mind, victims, situations.
It 's true, mercy is for everyone and certainly should be given to all in the manner and at the right time, without forcing or dogmatism.
I pause today, however, the true meaning of that word. On the significance written and wanted in the Gospels, placed on the lips of Jesus
Mercy, from the greek eleos means : kindness or goodness towards the poor and afflicted , with a desire to help .
To be merciful means qundi attention victims, to the last, the poor and forgotten of the world. Warning to those who are most at risk, those with less collateral, less protection, less wellness. Be merciful
is urgent, urgent and topical . We need men and women active mercy.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

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mercy for all

Good day to you all.
Life is one and we all know this. It should not be wasted. and yet we know this already.
What is perhaps difficult to understand is how we live this life well.
Perhaps a second little secret is contained in the smile. Stupid but not that of the more hidden pe heart. What continues even if things do not always go well or as we would like.
How to get it I'm not sure. Certainly is powered by the love for someone, whoever he is. We need a true and selfless dedication, the strong desire to give of themselves without asking anything in return and demand. This feeds the smile of the heart and makes me feel good.
Oh I forgot another important ingredient: The hope that some good things, good is always stronger than evil.
nice day

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Little People Sheet Music Free

The secret

Sometimes you live in fear and fear to do everything. It depends on who
or what we are slaves or subjects. Friends, family, ideologies, parties, movements ... the work themselves.
It 's always a matter of choice . You must choose whom to serve. With more awareness and leads us in a thousand forms always choose to serve ourselves . Even in the most good and holy intentions have to be careful and discerning exactly who we are really serving.
choice for thousands of years is always the same: choose to serve the true God or slaves disguised as gentlemen.
not easy, but the key is to them '.
The secret of life - not spared diffcoltà or suffering - and full of sense of taste is all over them ', every day at our fingertips.