Friday, July 31, 2009

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Conference on the Great Lakes Province and Lounge Lakes-meeting-palace-Valentini & ei = CxJzSrvbNYG4ogOd8pz-DA & = SIG2 AKjoLJmlTN7hbdqMY-CG4Q & ct = w

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African Crisis Degrees in the Lake District - the following article

Association Lounge Alderman African cultural policies of the Province of Rome presented an interesting lecture entitled " The forgotten conflict: the crisis of the Great Lakes ", held in Rome on July 2. Icontro This is proposed as a starting point to know the reasons (even those that nobody wants to talk about) a war that lasts for years, and hear testimonies of those who faced up to the conflict. A dramatic conflict, a genocide that nobody talks about, including the widespread lack of interest from various media.
How did the conflict? After the fall of Mobutu in 1997, the former Zaire (now DRC) there was a marked political instability. Since then 4 million people have died because of the fighting or the conditions under which the refugees are forced to live. The region showing the strongest tensions is the North Kivu, where the clashes are both ethnic (significant heterogeneity of the population) and economic (gold, diamonds, coltan, copper and cobalt). Kivu was shaken by the wave of migrations caused by the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, where thousands of Hutus, Tutsis from scunfitti is riguiarono in North Kivu. The Rwandan Tutsis, to put an end to the raids, supported Congolese rebels led by Kabila. In 1997 when Kabila captured the capital of Zaire, broke contact with the Rwandans, the former alleati.Dopo peace of 2002, 2003 witnessed a new outbreak of violence because of Nkunda's rebellion against Kabila (Kabila's son, because his father was murdered in circumstances yet to be clarified in 2001). Nkunda was not convinced that Kabila would protect the Congolese Tutsi. He then came in January 2008, with the agreement between Kabila and Nkunda, But the fighting resumed in August.
Speakers: Father Giulio
Albanian journalist, professor at the Pontifical University GregorianaMulumba Bin Kazadi, Association Lounge AfricanoClaudio Cecchini, Councillor for Social Policies of the Province of RomaCecilia D'Elia, the Department for Cultural Policy Province RomaMassimo Zaurrini, journalist, agency MISNA
There are testimonies of representatives of local communities of the Great Lakes
Rome, July 2, 2009 - 16:30 - Palazzo Valentini, Sala della Pace, Via IV Novembre 119 / 1
For information about the event page on Facebookass.cultura @

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Mother Africa and our work on the Food

Mulumba Kazadi Bin, President of Living African
"Africa: food for all. Reality or utopia?" is the title of the speech Mulumba Kazadi Bin, president of the African living during the forum "Mother Africa" \u200b\u200borganized by the African Diaspora in Rome May 24, 2009 on the occasion of World Day of Africa ... ...
Mulumba Schadrac Bin Kazadi

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standard form of application to the Living Room Lounge


I, the undersigned a__________________________________________________________________
Born on ______________ to _________________________cod.fisc :_________________________
Resident ____________________________indirizzo :__________________________________

As president / director of community / association or other body ( underline type):


Admission to the members of the "Living African"

It states:

\u206a know the vision and the statutory objectives,
\u206a actively engage positively and constructively to the achievement of the objectives' Association
\u206a not to put in no way acts or actions that go against the interest of the association,
\u206a supervise and support the democratic nature of the association. \u206a
to work with perseverance, professionalism, respect order, structure and roles established.

To this end, pay the dues in the amount of Euro___________________________allegando to present proof of identity.
The membership fee is 20 €, while the ordinary annual payment is 120 € which can also be spread.
This membership application will be subjected to careful scrutiny, and if the applicant obtains approval to the full membership card, depending on the category defined by the outcome.
If the request has not been approved there is no obligation of living of African justify this.

Rome ,________________________

In witness

Information: 0039/3282189749

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African African

"Living African"

The Association currently based in Rome, Via dei Mille 6


"Living African" is a voluntary non-profit-making even indirect and operates exclusively for charitable purposes social.
The Association is nonpartisan and will abide by the following principles: autonomy and independence from political and economic structures, no-profit, democratic structure, electivity and free of the corporate offices.
The Association operates in a specific way with occasional performances and not its aim the development, promotion and implementation of projects of social solidarity, including the implementation of socio-educational and cultural initiatives.
The spirit and practice of the Association have their origin in the principles of the Italian Constitution, which inspired the Association itself and are based on full respect for the human dimension, cultural and spiritual the person.
The mission of the Association is the formation of the African Wave.
pursue its aims in particular, the Association aims to:
a) represent a point of reference and meeting of the African student community in Italy, to create and foster a dynamic and open to other issues, to give the ' opportunities for Africans to Italy to face reality and find other near and far;
b) encourage the new generation of Africans to take an interest in Italy and take ownership of their culture of origin for a greater understanding of themselves and of the bow roots take self-awareness and interpersonal goals in order to develop initiatives to improve codizioni social, political and economic character of their native countries;
c) to promote knowledge of African culture in all its aspects such as history, literature, art, music, political issues, economic and social etc., involving the intellectual world of Africa and not only by developing a clear picture on:
vision of African history - African contemporary
vision - vision of the African Diaspora in Italy and worldwide
- view of the different African cultures and their exploitation
d) promote a Africa's positive outlook that reflects not only its infinite potential and wealth, but also its history as the Mother of Humanity and
) to promote cultural exchanges and strengthen a dynamic collaboration with students in Africa to share ideas and innovations in various academic fields ; a better understanding of socio-economic and political issues in different social realities;
f) to promote, develop, support development projects, research and analysis aimed at innovation and collaboration within the framework of international cooperation for sustainable development
g) promoting and dissemination of African culture in all its aspects through meetings, seminars, conferences, symposia, debates, art exhibitions, cultural activities, recreational and sports etc.. and any other activities deemed necessary to integrate the knowledge of African culture and
h) promote and carry out and disseminate research, studies and documentation activities in the areas where the Association operates through the creation of a site web;

The Association uses every tool to achieve social goals, in particular the cooperation with local authorities, including through the conclusion of appropriate agreements, participation in other associations, companies or national and international organizations having similar purposes or related to yours.
The Association may also undertake any other cultural or recreational activities and may carry out any economic or financial, securities or real estate, for the better attainment of its purposes.
The Association may, solely for the purpose of self-financing and non-profit, engage in marginal activities required by applicable law.
The Association is open to anyone who shares the principles of solidarity.


Article 5 can be part of an unlimited number all those who identify with the Statute and plan to work together to achieve the business purpose.
may apply to be admitted as members both individuals and legal persons, both groups made by submitting a written application on which to decide, without obligation to state reasons
Board Members may be:
- Founding Members are
Founding the natural or legal persons who signed the memorandum and those who subsequently final and binding and deliberations of the Executive Council will be admitted with this status in relation to their practical work in the voluntary sector.
Operating Partners Operating Partners are individuals who join the Association by paying a free and voluntary activities in the manner prescribed by the Board and paying a specific price determined by the Board.
- Honorary Members, Honorary Members
are natural persons and legal entities who have acquired special merits for their work on behalf of the Association or who are unable to join in evidence for legal expressed prohibition.
- Contributing Members and Developers
Sustaining Members shall be all those who contribute to the aims of the Association at no cost or a contribution in cash or in kind.

Members render their services free of charge in favor of the organization and can not enter into it with any type of employment or self.

for any information
Phone: 3282189749